K.P. Yohannan
GFA’s Founder and Director
“Lord, I’ll give myself to speak for You.” Young Yohannan had no idea what those words of surrender would mean for his life and for millions of others in his generation. Once an insecure 16-year-old, he became a missionary statesman who has impacted the world of missions and whose unbending message has touched hungry hearts on every continent.
He chose to take the road less traveled many years ago, and today GFA, the mission he founded, is one of the most respected organizations in our time with thousands of national workers bringing hope to the most needy in South Asia.
K.P. Yohannan shares his message across North America and around the world inviting Christians to live a life of absolute surrender and commitment to Christ and to be a part of God’s plan to bring hope to those who have never heard the Good News.

George Verwer and K.P. Yohannan on a prayer walk together on January 31, 2020, in London, England.
It’s been 2,000 years since Christ walked the earth, yet nearly 2 billion people have not heard the news that God loves them. How long must they wait?
This is why GFA World exists.
About GFA World
GFA World is your bridge to bringing the hope of Christ to those who still wait to hear His name.
Join us in building up the Holy Church around the world! It’s been 2,000 years since Christ walked the earth, yet nearly 2 billion people have not heard the news that God loves them. How long must they wait?
This is why GFA World exists.
More than 40 years ago, God specifically called us to invest our lives in proclaiming His all-embracing love to our generation, especially in nations that have not had a chance to hear about Christ. Today, there are thousands of congregations spread throughout so many nations that are worshiping and following the Lord because faithful workers are serving full time so others may finally know God’s love.
Because these national workers serve within and around their own cultures, this natural advantage makes them one of the most effective means to tangibly share the Good News. However, the economically weak churches in these developing nations can’t do it alone. The enormous task of sharing the love of Christ with nearly 2 billion people takes the partnership of the Church worldwide.
GFA offers those who cannot go themselves the opportunity to become senders and prayer partners of these national workers. Together, we can help fulfill the Great Commission!

Order K.P.’s First Book—Free!
Order your Free Copy of K.P. Yohannan’s First Book Revolution in World Missions
“We believe that early on, our book Revolution in World Missions truly changed the mission world, and to us that is nothing short of a miracle,” K.P. Yohannan writes in chapter 11 of Never Give Up.
“I’ve heard of no less than 60 mission organizations that were started all over the world as a result of it. That is the number we know about, and there may well be many more we will never know of. The fact is, you cannot have five million copies of this book in print, and in 12 different languages, without having a radical impact on the mission world. We give all the glory to God, for it is His doing.”
Get a free copy of K.P. Yohannan’s book Revolution in World Missions today!