What People Are Saying About Never Give Up

“In Never Give Up, K.P. Yohannan shares the depths of pain and fear that he endured silently and the convictions our Lord gave him that carried him through them.”
Dr. Bill Atwood
Anglican Bishop, USA
“K.P. sets out his flaws and weaknesses, his blessings and vision, his mistakes and failures, his joys and sorrows. Some of us get so caught in the decline and compromise of churches in our own cultural context that we lose sight of what Christ the King is doing around the world; Brother K.P. shakes us and wakes us.”
Reverend Dr. Paul Blackham
Vicar of St. Crispin’s Church, UK
“My heart was thoroughly moved as I read through this book of a man and his very personal journey the last several years.”
Frank Bueckert
Pastor of Bergthaler Mennonite Church, Canada
“God brings certain books and people into our lives precisely when we need them. Never Give Up is one of those books, and K.P. Yohannan is one of those people.”
—Hank Hanegraaff—
President of the Christian Research Institute, USA
“Every Christian who is dedicated to fulfilling a ‘God-sized’ vision needs the wisdom contained in these pages.”
Troy Carl
President of International Scripture Ministries, USA
“This book is amazing. I believe it is needed as we face the tribulation period. Dr. Yohannan’s sweet, humble spirit shines through like Noah’s rainbow. I have been blessed by the book and others will be as well. Unless Jesus comes first, this book will be known as a Christian classic by future generations.”
Pauline Cason
GFA World Supporter, USA
“K.P. Yohannan’s love for the Lord shines beautifully through this book. In this book, he takes the reader into his most personal thoughts, theology, prayers and insights. Having traveled in South Asia on a vision tour with GFA World, we have seen firsthand . . . their heartfelt work.”
Dave and Dodie Eyer
GFA World Supporters, Canada
“The use of personal experiences and biblical truths helps one walk away encouraged and confident in the power of God to overcome the darkness of the world.”
Reverend Ryan Farrell
Pastor of Nackawic Wesleyan Church, Canada
“Dr. K.P. Yohanan has been a friend for many decades. His fresh and unique perspectives on perseverance will encourage you! . . . K.P. embodies perseverance in the power of faith.”
Gino Geraci
Radio Talk Show Host on the Salem Network, USA

“In his latest book, Never Give Up, K.P. Yohannan takes us on an intimate journey through his greatest struggles, revealing God’s power to transform our most terrible times into a testimony for His glory. This is a must read!”
Greg Gordon
Founder of SermonIndex.net, Canada
“Despite several years at the centre of a storm of controversy and attack, this book is not a self-justification but a remarkable testimony. What shines throughout the book is Dr. Yohannan’s undimmed passion to make Christ known to all!”
Paul Harcourt
National Leader of New Wine, England
“I have known K.P. Yohannan for three decades. I have seen him in great triumph, and I watched him endure in great pain. His passion for the untold millions is undeniable, and his passion for honoring Christ is equally so. Though we both have taken different paths in our view of the church, K.P. has lived to please his Lord. This account in Never Give Up is brutally honest and refreshingly candid, and, therefore, helpful for anyone who wants to grow deeper.”
—Skip Heitzig—
Senior Pastor of Calvary Albuquerque, USA
“In Never Give Up, we catch a glimpse into K.P. Yohannan’s soul as he vulnerably pens some of the lessons he has learned. . . . There were several points when I had to put it down and have an honest talk with God. A worthwhile read.”
Mark Hinde
Open Doors Scotland, UK
“This is a must read for every Christian leader facing spiritual attack.”
Keith Knight
Executive Director of CCBF, Canada

“K.P. is a survivor, and, thank the Lord, he still has his hand on the plow. This book tells the tale of a man on mission. It is encouraging, emotional and excellent.”
Chip Lusko
Pastor of Calvary Chapel, USA
“A testimony that will challenge your relationship with Jesus and encourage a deeper knowledge of the One who loves us so much He gave His life that we might be forever His—even in the dark times.”
Tim Matthews
Africa Inland Mission International, UK
“This is a book full of joy, but it tells it like it is.”
Reverend Canon John McGinley
New Wine, England
“Once again, K.P. Yohannan has caused us to think differently about things that we thought we always knew.”
Reverend Johnnie Moore
President of Congress of Christian Leaders, USA
“Author K.P. Yohannan, with a level of gut-wrenching honesty and forthright transparency, shares the biblical and scriptural path to redemption and freedom only found in Jesus Christ. . . . Yohannan challenges all Christ followers of today to indeed never give up!”
Frank Sontag
Founder of KMG Ministries, USA
“There is something different about the countenance of those who have been through the fire, those who have walked through the valley of adversity. This is true of my friend K.P. Yohannan. Never Give Up is the story of a very personal journey.”
Frank Wright, PhD
President and CEO of D. James Kennedy Ministries, USA