Press Kit for the Media
With U.S. COVID-19 Death Toll over 80,000, 1.3 Million Sick, 33 Million Jobless, GFA World (Gospel for Asia) Founder Urges Americans ‘Keep Pressing On’
WILLS POINT, TX — Americans slammed by coronavirus deaths, sickness and massive job lay-offs are being encouraged to “never give up” in a new book launched today offering hope amid COVID-19. Never Give Up: The Story of a Broken Man Impacting A Generation ( tells the story of a grueling trial that plunged author Dr. K.P. Yohannan — leader of one of America’s biggest faith-based organizations — into depression and to the brink of suicide.
Gripping Account of K.P. Yohannan’s Spiritual Journey Set for Release April 28 as Nearly Half of Americans Cite Covid-19 as ‘last Days’ Warning
WILLS POINT, TX — The leader of one of America’s largest faith-based organizations reveals how his own faith in God and spiritual journey carried him through a “forest fire of grief and pain” in a “brutally honest” new book set for release April 28.
Book Trailer
Never Give Up
KP Yohannan

Dr. K.P. Yohannan has been crisscrossing the globe for the past 40 years, challenging the Body of Christ to discipleship. His call to a radical lifestyle—with an all-out commitment to Jesus—has left its impact on nearly every continent. To the Church caught up by the tidal waves of compromise and self-preservation, Yohannan’s life message is a fresh word to this generation and yet as timeless as the scriptural mandate itself.
In the author’s own words… excerpted from Never Give Up
On the Purpose of This Book – Pages 21-22
This book is a collection of my experiences and a re-living of events of these past few years in my journey with Christ and His Church. I offer to share what it was like to live through some incredibly difficult days, all the while growing in understanding how the Lord would use our struggle for the furtherance of His Kingdom, just as He has redeemed the struggles of His people time and time again. My prayer for this book is that my openness, sincerity and vulnerability will be an encouragement to you… in your walk with God. I trust that my carefully chosen words will provide hope to fellow wounded warriors.
On Spiritual Darkness & Oppression – Pages 36-37
“Kill yourself. There is no other way out. That will end your terrible pain.” The voice becomes increasingly strong inside my head. Fear chokes me. I can hardly breathe. “It’s not that hard. There’s no one here. You can do it.” I feel like my room is full of dark figures—demons attacking my mind. Never before have I experienced anything like this. I have cast out demons, seen the blind receive their sight, and witnessed scores of people set free from satanic bondage. I have studied demonology, read the early Church’s writings on Satan and his works and how to deal with such attacks. I have even written books on spiritual warfare. But believe me, I have never before been in a personal encounter like this with evil forces seeking my very life.
On Suffering for Christ’s Sake – Pages 56, 75, 77
Here is one thing every follower of Christ must understand: You cannot follow close to Jesus without suffering, no matter where you live in the world. There is no question that suffering in God’s work leads us to know Him more intimately. When we go through intense loneliness and pain, we can say, “Lord Jesus, I now understand a little of what You suffered for me.” Suffering is the tool God seems to use to remove our dependence on anything other than Him. I remind myself regularly that it is a mistake to think that if we live our lives righteously, we will be spared… Not only is there nothing in the Bible to suggest this, its pages reveal quite the opposite. Remember this passage St. Paul writes to the believers at Corinth: “… being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; being defamed, we entreat. We have been made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now” (1 Corinthians 4:12-13).
On Hope & Trust in Trials – Pages 38, 47-48
Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, my room seems to light up. My fears and anxiety, like thick-piled snow, start to melt away. As I come to my senses, I am so ashamed and guilty for allowing myself to forget who I am in Christ and what I represent. Everything changes. Maybe someone was praying for me. It feels just like when, in The Chronicles of Narnia, the lion, Aslan, (who represents Christ) is once again on the move after a long period of silence and winter. What looked like eternal snow is quickly melting away all through the land of Narnia. The trees and birds and wildlife are all coming back. And I can almost feel this new life. Thanks to Him, I am still alive! The only response when we are plunged into chaos is to let go, let it be, and abandon our life completely into His hands. God is in control of all that we face in life, and we must trust Him in the bad, as well as the good.
On the Choice to Never Give Up – Pages 47-48
When we’re cast into chaos and faced with suffering, our whole being longs for a way out, but often we find it is only the beginning of a journey through the forest fire of grief where we feel God is suddenly silent. We want to know the why of this pain… but we know that God works all things together for our good—all bad things and all good things. The choice not to give up is mine. It is also yours.
On Living With An Eternal View – Pages 173, 179, 196-197
A day will come when all your family, friends, responsibilities, possessions, degrees, popularity, all of it will be gone. It’s just going to be you and Christ and nothing else. Let the decisions you make today be ones that will reflect well in the light of that moment. Let me ask you, when was the last time you actively went out of your way to show the love of Christ to someone, and then to talk to them about His love for them? Do you sense a growing ache for those who do not know the love of Christ? Do you feel a deeper burden to care for the suffering and needy… widows and orphans as He did? Make all decisions in the light of eternity. Know that even the forest fires we walk through now will dim to nothing in that light.
On Surrendering to God – Page 191
I began this journey as a young man of only 17 years of age. I was just skin and bones, and I knelt back then beside a bed far from my home, and I remember saying to You that I didn’t have any money, or popularity, or a degree, or much of anything. All I had was a fragile little body, but if You wanted it, it was Yours. And I gave myself to You. Now, some five decades later, I’ve ended up back at pretty much that same place. Well, I again choose to lay down my life for You, Lord. Truth be told, I am no more intent on living for myself. Thank you for listening to this broken vessel.
On the ‘End Times’ – Pages 206-208
Plagues, diseases and epidemics have become so common today that (they) hardly give us reason to even pause. Humanity is overcome by thousands of unnamed diseases, and there seems to be no answer. Take a look around. Nothing will be the same again. The end is nearer than we think. We could even be the last generation. Deep down in our hearts, we know the world will not and cannot go on forever as it is. What we see around us now has already been predicted and… these are the signs that point to the end times. To survive the onslaught of the enemy and hold on to our faith, even if it means persecution and death, our hope is to learn to function as Christ’s community, and to stick together as it was in the beginning of the Church for those early Christians.
Fact Sheet | Q&A
Who is Dr. K.P. Yohannan?
Dr. K.P. Yohannan is the founder and president of Gospel for Asia (GFA,, one of the biggest mission agencies in the world. Yohannan has been crisscrossing the globe for 40 years, challenging the Body of Christ to unswerving discipleship. His call to a radical lifestyle — with an all-out commitment to Jesus — has left its impact on millions of lives on nearly every continent. Today, Yohannan is an internationally known speaker and missionary statesman. He and his wife, Gisela, have two grown children — Sarah and Daniel, who is GFA’s vice-president.
How Did K.P. Yohannan Become One of the World’s Top Mission Leaders?
Born in South India in 1950, Yohannan is the youngest of six sons. His mother fasted and prayed that “just one” of her boys would become a preacher of the gospel — but didn’t think for a moment God would choose her “shyest and most insecure” son, K.P. After being challenged to a life of “radical discipleship” by George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilization (OM) International, 16-year-old Yohannan set off for northern India where he preached in the villages for the next seven years. Burdened with a heart for those who had never heard the name of Jesus, Yohannan started Gospel for Asia in July 1979 with a $10 offering — not knowing God was about to unleash one of the most remarkable missionary movements of our time.
What’s So Unique About K.P. Yohannan’s Vision?
Yohannan’s vision revolutionized modern-day evangelical missions — putting the emphasis on sending local, national workers into the field to evangelize their own people. The “national missionary” movement — and its tidal wave of sandal-wearing evangelists going forth on foot and on bicycles — launched a new era in missionary endeavors and spawned dozens of new mission organizations inspired by Yohannan’s simple “homegrown” strategy to reach the spiritually lost of Asia.
Who is Gospel for Asia?
Gospel for Asia (GFA, is a leading faith-based mission agency, sending national workers to bring vital assistance and spiritual hope to millions across Asia, especially to those who have yet to hear the “good news” of Jesus Christ. In GFA’s latest yearly report, this included more than 70,000 sponsored children, free medical camps conducted in more than 1,200 remote communities, and 4,000-plus clean water wells drilled. Latest news is at
What Books Has K.P. Yohannan Authored?
Yohannan has authored more than 200 books, including the mega-bestseller Revolution in World Missions — which launched a groundbreaking movement of national missionaries and has more than four million copies in print. His latest book Never Give Up: The Story of a Broken Man Impacting a Generation ( tells the story of a soul-wrenching struggle and how he emerged from his brokenness ready to inspire a new generation.
Suggested Interview Questions/ Themes
- Why did you write your latest book, Never Give Up: The Story of a Broken Man Impacting A Generation?
- You speak about the crisis being a ‘forest fire of grief’ to you. Describe what emotions you went through?
- In the book, you say this was a spiritual attack on you personally. How close did you come to “giving up”?
- How did God carry you through and what lessons did you learn?
- What encouragement can you share for other pastors, laypersons and leaders going through a season of crisis?
- What scriptures did you turn to during the most painful times?
- What affects have the coronavirus had on you and the ministry of Gospel for Asia?
- Many may consider we’re living in the biblical “end times” right now. What is your hope for the Church in the West… and in India?
- Today, it was estimated that India is the least safe/ most dangerous country in the world for the Coronavirus. What do you see happening on the ground in India? Do you see a “looming disaster” in India? Why, or why not?
- As we are talking about India — where Gospel for Asia has served for 40 years — give listeners an idea of what daily life is like for someone in a remote village in India?
- Help our listeners understand the scope of Gospel for Asia ministry work around the world.
- How many books have you written?
- How does Never Give Up differ from the other books you’ve written?
- How can you and other “missionary statesmen” help prepare the way for the “next wave” of mission visionaries and pioneers?
- How can the public order a copy of Never Give Up and learn more about the book and the ongoing ministry of Gospel for Asia?